With an estimated 7,000 members of the U. S. Armed Forces scheduled to return to Connecticut over the next two years, it is clear that we in state government have a duty to ensure they receive the support and assistance they deserve when they arrive home.
These brave men and women – along with the 270,000 Connecticut veterans of previous conflicts - face many challenges, especially concerning employment and health issues. The state of Connecticut offers our veterans a wide array of services, and this website is designed as a one-stop tool to make access to them more efficient and convenient.
Additional Information
Connecticut - http://www.ct.gov/CTVA/site/default.asp
Linda Spoonster Schwartz, DrPH, MSN, RN, USAF (Ret), Commissioner, Veterans Affairs, has a long history of involvement in nursing and veteran organizations. She is an advocate and activist who devoted her nursing practice to healing the wounds of war and improving the lives of America’s 24 million veterans. Her perspectives as a nurse and veteran have earned her the respect and trust of veterans, Congressional leaders and government officials alike. On numerous occasions, she has provided testimony on veteran issues to both Houses of Congress, the National Academy of Science, the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of State. Dr. Schwartz was a member of the United States Air Force (1967-1986) and served on Active Duty and as a Reservist. She retired in 1986 after sustaining injuries in an aircraft accident while serving as a USAF Flight Nurse and holds the rank of Colonel on the Governor’s Military Staff.
Connecticut Governor’s Veterans Cabinet - http://www.veterans.ct.gov/veterans/site/default.asp
Sharon M. Palmer, Commissioner, Department of Labor, brings more than two decades of labor relations experience to her new position. She also has more than 20 years of classroom experience as a public school teacher, primarily in the Waterford Public School System. In addition to her extensive professional experience, Ms. Palmer has served on the Waterford Representative Town Meeting for the past 19 years. She also just recently stepped down from serving on the State Treasurers’ Investment Advisory Board. Ms. Palmer grew up in East Hampton. She earned her B. A. at St. Joseph’s College in West Hartford and her M. A. at Eastern Connecticut State University.
Connecticut Veteran Employment Assistance - http://www.ctdol.state.ct.us/veterans/