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Home    >> Career Resources    >> [video] 'Hire a Veteran' Viral Video Contest
[video] 'Hire a Veteran' Viral Video Contest

Advocate the value of hiring America's veterans. Inspired by the valor, sacrifice, and drive displayed by our American troops, Training Camp in concert with Microsoft, CompTIA, and (ISC)2 is seeking to shed light on the difficulty our veterans are experiencing in finding employment when readjusting to civilian life. You know viral videos - those clips shared all over the web featuring everything from bouncing bears to an interpretive comedic history of modern dance. Well, we are looking for something a bit more...well...meaningful. Here is some background information on why we feel so passionate about this issue. Learn more at

For Veterans seeking employment, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Economic Opportunity - provides direct tips, information and resources, through a weekly listserv.
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