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Home    >> Career Resources    >> [video] 11. Veteran Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act of 2011
[video] 11. Veteran Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act of 2011

There are an alarming number of unemployed veterans in the United States – over 1 million today. As Iraq and Afghanistan veterans come home, and as Vietnam, Cold War, and Persian Gulf War veterans can’t find or lose their jobs, the economy is losing some of its best and brightest leaders and workers. The House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs is committed to helping the men and women who have served our nation and protected our Liberty compete in today’s austere economic climate through comprehensive legislation that provides a 360 solution to veteran unemployment. Introducing the Veteran Opportunity to Work Act of 2011 (H.R. 2433). VOW to act today! Learn more at

For Veterans seeking employment, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, Office of Economic Opportunity - provides direct tips, information and resources, through a weekly listserv.
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